Jose de Francisco

XDA Group Leader, eXperience Design & Analytics EY Technology

Why Jose?

Jose de Francisco is currently an Experience Design & Analytics Leader with EY Technology.

In his past role, Jose was Chief Designer at Nokia CNS (Cloud & Network Services) a global software leader in the telecommunications sector, and Head of Nokia CIC, Chicago Innovation Center, an R&D facility employing 1,400 high caliber personnel across all business groups and collocated partners.

He has been instrumental to successful engagements with 20+ worldwide brands by leading initiatives ranging from ideation and new product incubation to lifecycle management and digital transformation. Jose is an award-winning designer and a Distinguished Member (DMTS) of Bell Labs for work on next generation mobile platforms and applications.

Jose is the lead inventor behind several patents and an extensive design portfolio. He has launched pioneering solutions in digital operations, cloud computing and IP communication systems at the world's most impactful events such as the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) and Mobile World Congress (MWC).

He has served with the Advisory Boards at MIT’s Institute of Data, Systems and Society (IDSS) and Illinois Tech’s Entrepreneurship Center. Currently engaged with the Board at Design & Innovation Global of the International Quality & Productivity Center (IQPC), which is the think tank behind the premier Design Thinking conference series in the US.

Jose is a technology evangelist featured in 50+ public speaking events and industry analyst interviews.

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