Brian Roderman is the President and Chief Innovation Officer of IN2 Innovation, an experience innovation design agency. IN2 Innovation provides a global range of services to organizations of many types, sizes and industries to help them achieve a new level of innovation in their business, from inspiration to integration. IN2 Innovation currently has offices located at Austin, Dallas and Atlanta.
Brian is a natural-born designer with an inherent ability to combine artistic vision with complex engineering principles and strategic business goals. He oversees the process and design strategies for IN2 Innovation, along with the operations management for the Dallas office. Brian assures that the creative product of the organization is always on-target and on the leading edge of design, functionality, and desirability.
He is active with the Industrial Design Society of America (IDSA), having held six terms on the IDSA National Board of Directors. He was recently awarded a Fellowship within the society and is recognized as 1 of the 50 most notable designers over the last 50 years in the IDSA.
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