Austin—Impact of Design
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Design is everywhere. Now you may think design is strictly designated to graphic design or creative artworks but not necessarily! Design has grown exponentially these past course of years thanks to developing technology, tools, and software programs. In fact, it would probably populate hundreds of pages if you were to just Google “design” right now. Design can now range from user experience, interaction design, to software design.
Plus, it seems like people are now recognizing the importance of providing better usability to enhance customers’ experience with enhanced design. And if you’re looking for a good design community, Austin seems like your next best bet.
In fact, Austin has been gaining recognition for its trendy, unique and fun design crowd. Austin has been attracting a lot of design-related organizations and meetup groups in the past few years.
To name a popular few:
- #AustinContent Meetup
- This is a learning and networking group for content strategists, content designers, UX professionals, and content marketers in Austin and beyond. These members meet as often as possible to help seasoned professionals in the field expand their skill sets, and talk about the latest trends in content marketing and strategy.
- AIGA Austin
- As the largest community of design advocates, these members bring together practitioners, enthusiasts, and patrons to amplify the voice of design and create the vision for a collective future.
- Refresh Austin
- They’re a group of designers and developers working to refresh the creative, technical, and professional culture of new media endeavors in their areas. They’re constantly promoting design, technology, usability, and standards.
- Interaction Design Foundation Austin
- One of the best places to network! Discussions are the best way to connect with your fellow peers in Austin. You can ask questions, share insights and post tips to members of IDF Austin.
- Open Austin
- This group is for events hosted by Open Austin, for people interested in open government, open data, & civic technology.