Examples of Good Experience Design
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If there’s one thing that all user experience designers are liable for, it’s adding unnecessary details to their products. But ever heard of the saying, “less is more?” Designers will often find themselves getting ambitious with their products or services (websites, app, etc), which often leads them to design pointless features that ends up complicating the user experience process more.
Designers—remember that you are essentially creating these products for users. NOT for yourself or your boss, so take the time out of your day to listen to your users’ needs. With that being said, let’s take a look at a few sites that best illustrates good user experience design.
1) PayPal
If you’ve use PayPal before 2014, perhaps you remember the over complexity of the app. Since then, they’ve been making tremendous progress with simplifying both their website and mobile app experience. As John Maeda would state in his Law of Simplicity rule, “reducing, organizing, positioning, creating context, adding meaning and saving time,” Is KEY.
2) Tasty Burger
Customizing your food order can be frustrating at times especially if you’re trying to squint at what the small text says on your phone display. The UI concept for the Tasty Burger app simplifies the ordering process by dissecting the ingredients by type. While most fast food chain apps will generate this lengthy list of cheese, produce, meat, or meal combos, Tasty Burger enables you to simply just search the category of ingredient and THEN specify your order from there.
3) AirBnB
If you like traveling, chances are that you used the AirBnb app before. A lof of its design work is very typography and they, “think a lot about colors and language and white space.” Since the app is mostly for people traveling both domestically and internationally, it is of their utmost importance that they have a team of diverse individuals. They constantly have to stress the question whether they can we show their product to anyone and have them understand and use it; it’s a little bit of art and a little bit of science.
4) GoPro
With an influx of social media influencers and bloggers, there’s been a higher demand for a more compact and convenient tool for documenting and personalizing their life experiences to their viewers. GoPro introduced a new feature on the Hero4 camera that lets people add a “HiLight” tag to certain parts of a video which lets users to access those HiLights on the software side and the customer experience needs to be consistent on both the hardware and software. What sets GoPro UX designers apart from other designers is that all the staff use GoPro cameras on a daily basis, and most of their inspiration comes from there.